MATERIALS: Of Pathos Fair Isle Fingering, 4 ozs. each fawn and emerald for jumper; 1 oz. each of same shades for cap. A pair each No. 10 and No. 12 “Beehive” needles. Six small buttons.
MEASUREMENTS: To fit 33-35-inch bust; length from top of shoulders, 19 inches; sleeve seam, 18} inches. TENSION: 7.1 stitches to an inch over Fair Isle, unpressed.

With fawn wool and No. 12 needles, cast on 114 sts. and work 4 inches k. 2, p. 2 rib. Change to No. 10 needles and work from chart in stocking-stitch (knit rows read from right to left, and purl rows left to right; each square represents 1 stitch), at the same time increasing at each end of every 6th row until there are 130 sts. on needle. All increased sts. to be kept in stocking-stitch in main shade and not taken into Fair Isle pattern, excepting rows 1-12 and 47-48, in which they should be taken into pattern over all sts. Continue straight in pattern until 1 pattern and 28 rows of 2nd pattern are done. Now shape armholes by casting off 6 sts. at beginning of next 2 rows, then k. 2 tog. at each end of every row until 98 sts. remain. Continue straight in pattern until 2 patterns and 28 rows of 3rd pattern have been done. 29TH ROW OF 3RD PATTERN: Shape neck thus:—Pattern 38 sts., cast off 22 sts., pattern to end. Now working on last 38 sts., decrease at neck edge on every row until 30 sts. remain. Work straight to end of 41st row of 3rd pattern, then shape shoulder by casting off 10 sts. at armhole edge on next 3 alternate rows. With wrong side facing, rejoin wool to remaining sts. at neck edge and work other shoulder to correspond.
Work exactly as for front, omit neck shaping and Work straight until 40th row of 3rd pattern has been done. Shape shoulders by casting off 10 sts. at beginning of next 6 rows. Cast off remaining stitches.
With fawn wool and No. 12 needles, cast on 56 sts. and work 3i inches k. 2, p. 2 rib, increasing in every 4th st. across last row to 70 sts. Now work from chart across the 70 sts. indicated, increasing at each end of 5th and every following 6th row until there are 98 sts. on needle, keeping the increased sts. as before.
Continue straight in pattern until 2 patterns and 26 rows of 3rd pattern are done. Now shape top by casting off 2 sts. at beginning of next 2 rows, then decrease at each end of every alternate row until 44 sts. remain. Cast off, taking 2 sts. tog. each time.
With No. 12 needles and fawn wool, cast on 162 sts. and work 2 inches k. 2, p. 2 rib.
Change to No. 10 needles and work from chart, decreasing one st. at each end of the needle on next and every following alternate row. (Work centre 114 sts in Fair Isle pattern from chart and keep extra sts. at each end in main shade, except for rows 1-12 and 47-48, as before.)
Carry on decreasing and on the 2nd block leave out the first and last pieces of Fair Isle pattern and keep centre 70 sts. only in pattern as for sleeve. Still decreasing, on the 3rd block work the diamond sts. only in pattern, finishing on the 29th row. Run a thread through the remaining sts.; draw up and fasten off.
Juniper: Press work lightly with a warm iron and damp cloth. With No. 12 needles and right side of work facing, pick up and knit 62 sts. round front of neck and work 8 rows k. 2, p. 2 rib ; cast off. Similarly, pick up and knit 42 sts. round back of neck and work 8 rows k. 2, p. 2 rib. Join side and sleeve seams and an inch of each shoulder seam. Insert sleeves. Work 1 row of double crochet round each shoulder opening, making three loops for buttons. Sew on buttons to correspond with button loops.Cap : Sew up the back seam and turn up the rib at lower edge. Make a tassel and sew to top of cap.