11 stitches and 13 rows to a 2 inch square over pattern.
We recommend that you test your tension before commencing the garment.
Beg., beginning; K., knit; p., purl; st(s).,stitch (es) ; st.st., stocking stitch; ins., inches; inc., increase (ing) ; rep., repeat; LB., Light Blue; DB., Dark blue; W. white; R., Red.
NOTE—These instructions are written in 3 sizes, stitches and measurements for the smallest size being given in the ordinary way, the larger sizes being bracketed in the following spaces. Owing to the number of sizes quoted in this pattern we suggest that you underline all the figures for the size you require before commencing.
Using size 10 needles, and L.B., cast on 96( 104,112)sts. Work 13/4 ins. in k.1, p.1, rib, ending with a wrong side row and inc. 1 st. at the end of last row. 97 (105,113,)sts. Change to size 8 needles and st.st. (1 row k., 1 row p.).
1st row * K., 1DB., 7R., rep. from * to last st., 1DB.
2nd row * P., 2DB., 2R., 1LB., 2R., 1DB., rep. from * to last st., 1DB.
3rd row * K., 1DB., 2R., 1LB., 1W., 1LB., 2R., rep. from * to last st., 1DB.
4th row P., * 2W., 1LB., 1W., 1LB., 1W., 1LB., 1W., rep. from * to last st., 1W.
5th row * K., 1W., 1LB., rep. from * to last st., 1W. 6th row * P., 1LB, 1W., 1LB., 1W., 1DB., 1W., 1LB., 1W., rep. from * to last st., 1LB.
7th row * K., 1W., 1LB., 1W., 1DB., 1W., 1DB., 1W., 1LB., rep. from * to last st., 1W.
8th row * P., 1LB., 1W., 1DB., 3W., 1DB., 1W., rep. from * to last st., 1LB.
9th row * K., 1W., 1DB., 5W., 1DB., rep. from * to last st., 1W.
10th row * P., 1DB., 3W., 1R., 3W., rep. from * to last st., 1DB.
11th row * K., 1DB., 2W., 1R., 1W., 1R., 2W., rep. from * to last st., 1DB.
12th row * P., 1LB., 3W., 1R., 3W., rep. from * to last st., 1LB.
13th row * K., 2LB., 5W., 1LB., rep. from * to last st., 1LB.
14th row * P., 1W., 2LB., 3W., 2LB., rep. from * to last st., 1W.
15th row * K., 2W., 1LB., 3W., 1LB., 1W., rep. from * to last st., 1W.
16th row * P., 2W., 1LB., 3W., 1LB., 1W., rep. from * to last st., 1W.
17th row K. in LB.
18th row P. in W.
19th row K. in W.
20th row P. in W.
21st row * K., 1LB., 3W., rep. from * to last st., 1LB.
Rep. rows 18 to 21 until work measures 123/4(133/4, 143/4 )ins. from the beg., ending 3 rows in W.
Commence Yoke Pattern: —
1st row * K., 4W., 1DB., 3W., rep. from * to last st., 1W.
2nd row * P., 1LB., 2W., 3DB., 2W., rep. from * to last st., 1LB.
3rd row * K., 1W., 1LB., 2W., 1DB., 2W., 1LB., rep. from * to last st., 1W.
4th row * P., 1LB., 1W., 1LB., 3W., 1LB., 1W., rep. from * to last st., 1LB.
5th row * K., 1W., 1LB., rep. from * to last st., 1W. 6th row * P., 1DB., 1W., 1LB., 1W., 1LB., 1W., 1LB., 1W., rep. from * to last st., 1DB.
7th row * K., 1W., 1DB., 1W., 1LB., 1W., 1LB., 1W., 1DB., rep. from * to last st., 1W.
8th row * P., 2W., 1DB., 1W., 1LB., 1W., 1DB., 1W., rep. from * to last st., 1W.
9th row * K., 3W., 1DB., 1W., 1DB., 2W., rep. from * to last st., 1W.
10th row * P., 4W., 1DB., 3W., rep. from * to last st., 1W.
11th row * K., 4W., 1LB., 3W., rep. from * to last st., 1W.
12th row * P., 3W., 3LB., 2W., rep. from * to last st., 1W.
13th row * K., 2W., 5LB., 1W., rep. from * to last st., 1W.
14th row * P., 2W., 1LB., 1W., 1LB., 1W., 1LB., 1W., rep. from * to last st., 1 W.
15th row * K., 2W., 1LB., 1W., 1LB., 1W., 1LB., 1W., rep. from * to last st., 1 W.
16th row * P., 1W., 2LB. , 1W., 1LB., 1W., 2LB., rep. from * to last st., 1 W.
17th row K. in LB.
18th row P. in W.
19th row * K., 2W., 1DB., 3R., 1DB., 1W., rep. from * to last st., 1W.
20th row * P., 3W., 3DB., 2W., rep. from * to last st., 1W.
21st row * K., 2W., 1R., 1W., 1DB., 1W., 1R., 1W., rep. from * to last st., 1W.
22nd row * P., 3W., 3DB., 2W., rep. from * to last st., 1W.
23rd row * K., 2W., 1DB., 3R., 1DB., 1W., rep. from * to last st., 1W.
24th row P. in W.
25th row K. in DB.
26th row P., 1W., 1LB., rep. from * to last st., 1W.
27th row K., 1W., 1LB., rep. from * to last st., 1W.
28th row P. in W.
29th row K., 1LB., 7W., rep. from * to last st., 1LB.
30th row P., 1W., 7LB., rep. from * to last st., 1W.
31st row K., 1LB., 2W., 3LB., 2W., rep. from * to last st., 1LB.
* P., 2W., 5LB., 1W., rep. from * to last
32nd row st.,1W.
33rd row * K., 3W., 3LB., 2W., rep. from * to last st., 1W.
34th row P. in LB.
35th row * K., 4DB., 1LB., 3DB., rep. from * to last st., 1DB.
36th row * P., 3DB., 3LB., 2DB., rep. from * to last st., 1DB.
37th row * K., 3DB., 1LB., 1DB., 1LB., 2DB., rep. from * to last st., 1DB.
38th row * P., 1R., 2LB., 3R., 2LB., rep. from * to last st., 1R.
39th row * K., 1R., 2LB., 3R., 2LB., rep. from * to last st., 1R.
40th row * P., 3DB., 1LB., 1DB., 1LB., 2DB., rep. from to last st., 1DB.
41st row *K., 3DB., 3LB., 2DB., rep. from * to last st., 1DB.
42nd row * P., 4DB., 1LB., 3DB., rep. from * to last st., 1DB.
43rd row K. in R.
44th row * P., 1W., 1LB., rep. from * to last st., 1W. 45th row * K., 1W., 1LB., rep. from * to last st.,1W. 46th row P. in R.
47th row * K., 1DB., 1W., rep. from * to last st., 1DB. 48th row P. in W.
49th row * K., 1DB., 7W., rep. from * to last st., 1DB. 50th row * P., 1LB., 1DB., 5W., 1DB., rep. from * to last st., 1LB.
51st row * K., 2LB., 1DB., 3 W., 1DB., 1LB., rep. from to last st., 1LB.
52nd row * P., 3LB., 1DB., 1W., 1DB., 2LB., rep. from to last st., 1LB.
53rd row * K., 4LB. , 1DB., 3LB., rep. from * to last st., 1LB.
54th row P. in LB.
55th row K. in LB.
56th row P. in LB.
Continue in LB. Cast off 25(27,31 )sts. at the beg. of the next 2 rows.
Next row P. across the remaining 47(51,51)sts. to form a folding line. Commencing with a p. row inc. 1st. at both ends of the next 7 rows. Cast off loosely.
Using size 10 needles and LB., cast on 48(56,56)sts. and work in k.1, p.1 rib for 2 inches, ending with a right-side row.
Next row Rib 3(2,2), * work twice into the next st., rib 4(5,5), rep. from * to end of row. 57(65,65)sts. Change to size 8 needles and st.st. Now work rows 1 to 21 inclusive from beg. of Back. Now work rows 18 to 21. Inc. and work into these pattern rows 1 st. at both ends of the next and every following 5th (5th, 4th)row until there are 81(89,97)sts. on the needle. Continue without further shaping until Sleeve measures 15(151/2,16)ins. from the beg., ending with 3 rows in W. Now work rows 29 to 56 inclusive from the Yoke pattern. Work 1 row in LB. Cast off loosely.
Pin out to correct measurements and press with a warm iron over a damp cloth, omitting ribbing. Using a flat stitch, join shoulders. Turn neck facing onto wrong side and slip stitch down. Sew on Sleeves matching centres to shoulders. Do not stretch Sleeve Tops. Join side and Sleeve seams. Press all seams.